Eliminate Bacteria and Odor with Professional Well Chlorination
Bacteria and odor are the top reasons people consider a chlorine cleaning of their well. Whatever your reason, well chlorination is a detailed and time-consuming process, and while a savvy DIYer can do it, you still will want to consult a professional.
Identifying and Addressing Well Contamination Sources
If bacteria levels are your problem, you need to identify the source of the contamination in addition to chlorinating. A professional can examine your well for anything from a cracked or malfunctioning well cover to problems with absorption of surface water into your well. Rectifying contamination problems assures you will not have to repeat the chlorination process right away.
Importance of Professional Consultation for Well Chlorination
Our professionals follow detailed steps to clean your well, beginning with the correct grade and amount of bleach to treat your well. It is important to allow time to fully complete the process, during which you will not be able to do laundry, shower, or drink water from the faucet.
Our process
Call us for more information about how we can help you with well contamination or odors.